Robbie turns ONE!
CNY Baby Portrait Photography One Year Pictures |
Cicero Liverpool Clay Baldwinsville Brewerton CNY Photographer

Robbie is now a one year old! He’s such a happy and energetic little boy, and he loves his dog more than anything in the world. I’ve had the pleasure of photographing Robbie from the time he was born for his newborn portraits, then again when he turned six months old and now at one!
His awesome babysitter and family friend, Chloe, joined Robbie and his parents for an afternoon of giggles and celebrating Robbie.
Spring’s beauty was captured through the beautiful blossoms on the family’s tree near their home. It made for a gorgeous shady backdrop for Robbie’s Cicero one year portraits. One of my favorite pictures is of Robbie sitting casually on top of his sweet doggie and they both were so happy!
I love that I was able to capture this moment in time for this beautiful family throughout Robbie’s first year. I think it’s important to have photos of the first year of life, especially, since it goes by SO FAST! If you’re thinking about having pictures taken, I encourage you to do it. These moments are so fleeting and having professional photos only add value throughout the years. It’s a gift that you’ll cherish for a lifetime!
Courtney–enjoy your sneak peeks! Robbie is absolutely precious and it’s been such an honor documenting his first year of life!
~ Pam,

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FILED IN: CNY Newborn Baby Portrait Photographer, Portraits